Why working out is sabotaging your fitness

Mircea Ricci Facalet
3 min readJan 26, 2021


Bad, bad, bad

All workouts are based on a perfect sequence of exercises, sets and days that have to be done in a given order or they don’t work at all, at least that is what you have been told. And at the beginning you believed it and tried it out just to find that it’s impossible to keep up if your life doesn’t revolve around working out, so you quit because why trying if it only works when done 100%.

Now, let see, is doing 80%, 70%, 50% of what you are supposed to do bad? For work, for sure; it will get you fired or the client will pick another shop for the work. For improving your fitness, it is totally fine; after all many of us are doing it just to stay in a decent shape, keep our health in check and allow indulge in desserts without regret. This goes contrary to what all modern fitness gurus are telling you, the same gurus that don’t have any other job to do during the day other than working out and promoting which is perfectly fine but doesn’t work for the rest of us.

Enter The Practice

A method of training that eliminates all the noise and adapts to your everyday life. You can pick one training discipline or many disciplines, it doesn’t matter; combine them to your however you want and the practice will still give you results.

The basics for starting is to eliminate almost all exercises until you get to those that give the most results for the effort invested. For those exercises that survived, you have to perform in their most basic form. Try not to look like a juggler while you practice, although it might attract some looks and raise some eyebrows, you won’t get any improvements for your body. Do the practice every time you get a chance to, for about 30 minutes and throw in some rest days. Don’t rush your time, if you have 10 minutes left to practice, do only 10 minutes.

I’m talking from personal experience and here is how I did it.

  1. For the discipline, I picked Kettlebells for the practice.
  2. For the exercises, I choose the swing, clean, press, squat, snatch, push up and get up.
  3. For the time, I usually do about 30 minutes daily and some weeks I go for 45 minutes every day.
  4. For the rest, Sundays are always a day off and sometimes.
  5. For moments I ran out of time, I have prepared some quick practices to do, like 150 Two Hand Swings can be easily done in 10 minutes.

Try out the practice. I would like to hear how it changed you.

Based on the above principles, among others, I have developed an app that helps you with your kettlebell practice. Check it out.



Mircea Ricci Facalet

I write about what I practice, software, kettlebells. I held strong opinions.